Tuesday, March 9, 2010


My 3 year old son is very into trees. I read "The Giving Tree" to him this week for the first time. It's been years since I read it and I found myself frustrated with the boy in the story. The tree keeps giving, the boy keeps taking. I thought, I'd never do that to a tree. It's been warmer lately, and my son has gotten to enjoy the outdoors, especially trees. Today after a lot of climbing techinques, falling, climbing again and swinging, he discovered the joy of just being in the tree. He found that one sweet spot where your body just lets down and exists quietly, peacefully with the tree. The look on his face was absolute contentment. I wondered as I looked on him, why it had been so long since I climbed and played and fell and still climbed. I thought of the giving tree again. I am that boy. I work and clean and cook and DO and forget about the tree in my life. When did I become so cynical? When did I forget about contentment...quiet...activating peace...My three year old has a lot to teach me.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it crazy how God uses our kids to teach us so many things...... Raven still has the copy of this book, and now shares it with her brother and sisters......
